Thursday, April 29, 2010


Just when things were starting to pick up... 12" of snow! Supposed to be 80 this weekend though, fingers crossed.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Decisions, Decisions!

Sawyer helping dad pick out a new Deere...

Forming it up

Concrete is scheduled for today to pour the frost wall footing on the walk out end. As you can see in the pictures we had to step the footing down at the walk out end in order to keep it under the frost line. Joel Baker from Vermont ICF will be out friday to deliver the ICF's and help us get started forming them up.

Driveway all roughed in

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Ground Breaking!

We closed on the land Thursday and broke ground on Friday. Despite the wet weekend we made some progress. The driveway is cut in and the trench for the walkout end frost wall is dug. Here's some pictures...

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


We have been very busy getting all the paperwork in order. We got our building permit this week and are all set to close on Thursday. We spent some time at the lot last week staking out where we plan on putting the house. Aas long as everything goes well Thursday, Parent Construction will be coming in early next week to dig our cellar hole. Stay tuned...